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D.C. Court of Appeals Welcomes Comments on Proposed Amendments to Rule 49(c)(8)

June 06, 2018

In response to a proposal from the Committee on Unauthorized Practice of Law, the D.C. Court of Appeals is considering whether to amend D.C. App. R. 49 ( c )(8) to permit the Director of the Committee on Admissions, upon request and for good cause shown, to extend the time period (currently 360 days) within which an applicant may practice law while awaiting admission to the D.C. Bar.

This notice is published to provide interested parties an opportunity to submit comments concerning the proposal under consideration. Comments must be submitted by July 3, 2018. They may be submitted by email, or in writing, addressed to:

Clerk, D.C. Court of Appeals
430 E Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20001

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